Motorized Scooters


WHEREAS motorized scooters are becoming a more commonly used mode of transportation to enable elderly andor physically disabled persons to continue to be active members of society; AND WHEREAS motorized scooters can present a danger to the general public if they are operated in an unsafe manner or by people who may have limiting disabilities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to establish province-wide guidelines for the safe operation of motorized scooters.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION The Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ICBC and the Ministry of Transportation have partnered to develop a coordinated action plan to address the recommendations of the provincial coroner respecting the safe operation of motorized scooters. This action plan includes a review of the Motor Vehicle Act to determine what amendments may be required to support motorized scooter safety. Legislative and regulatory changes will be supported by a public education and awareness campaign.

Convention Decision