Medical Marihuana

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS the delivery of the current federal Marihuana Medical Access Program is open to potential abuse and exploitation by criminal elements; AND WHEREAS under the current Marihuana Medical Access Program police and fire services have identified community safety issues regarding medical marijuana grow sites such as increased participation by organized crime groups; home invasions because of the potential profits with the illicit sale of marijuana; health issues for children living in houses where marijuana is grown; increased residential fires; use of dangerous chemicals; chemical dumping in sewer systems; and electrical injury to growers and their families: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the federal government be requested to take immediate steps to institute improvements to the Marihuana Medical Access Program that will respect the privacy of individuals and require the distribution of medical marijuana through licensed commercial producers to reduce the risk of exploitation by criminal elements and ensure the safety of our communities.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Community Safety Committee