WHEREAS new meat inspection regulations come into effect in September of 2006; AND WHEREAS many small abattoirs will require assistance to upgrade their facilities to meet new standards under the regulations; AND WHEREAS livestock producers in many parts of BC rely on the presence of local abattoirs in order to develop value-added market opportunities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to implement incentive programs to ensure the presence of abattoirs in the livestock producing areas of the province.
Ministry of Agriculture and Lands The Ministry of Agriculture and Lands MAL fully supports the need to maintain existing abattoirs in the livestock producing areas of the province. Further, MAL is examining mechanisms to facilitate the expansion of the slaughter capacity in British Columbia to reduce dependence on the United States market for live animals and take advantage of local market opportunities. The MAL and the Ministry of Health have contributed approximately 0.5 million to an industry-led, Meat Industry Enhancement Strategy MIES, which is producing success with one new plant under construction, one upgrade and other projects underway. The assistance is intended to help facilitate the transition to the new Meat Inspection Regulation of the Food Safety Act. The Minister continues to work with his federal counterpart to secure funding support for abattoir improvements. In March 2005, MAL provided 5 million to assist industry in addressing waste disposal issues. Pilot projects have been funded to examine technologies to provide alternatives to landfill that are cost-effective, environmentally sound and publicly acceptable. Part of the 5 million funding will be directed to working with local government to develop emergency plans for livestock and poultry dead stock disposal.