Manufactured Home Parks

Cowichan Valley RD

WHEREAS Manufactured Home Parks are a unique form of affordable housing that offer a lifestyle for residents who enjoy a community atmosphere, yet the infrastructure in many of the older Manufactured Home Parks is failing and in need of significant upgrades to meet present day environmental standards; AND WHEREAS there are various restrictions placed on Manufactured Home Park owners with respect to raising funds to pay for upgrades to infrastructure: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province provide incentives to new and existing manufactured home park owners so that this form of affordable housing will attract new investment dollars and permit the upgrading of existing manufactured home park infrastructure.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Housing and Social Development The Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act MHPTA was enacted in 2004 and is designed to balance the rights and responsibilities of both manufactured home park landlords and tenants. Government recognizes that manufactured home park owners are in business and rent their land to people who choose to own a manufactured home. The MHPTA and the accompanying Regulation support manufactured home park landlords in the following ways: Landlords may increase the rent paid by park tenants on an annual basis. Landlords who have completed significant repairs or renovations to a manufactured home park may apply for an additional rent increase. As of July 2007, landlords may recover increases in local government levies and utility fees, by passing a proportional amount of these increases through to tenants in the annual rent increase amount. This is one way in which Government has taken action to make manufactured home parks more economically viable. Manufactured home park landlords may wish to consider, as an initial step, applying to the provincial Housing Endowment Fund for funding to study the scope of the problem of infrastructure upgrades across the province.

Convention Decision