Low-Elevation Commercial Highway


WHEREAS the communities of the West Kootenay recognize and support the need for a low-elevation commercial highway that would increase the productivity and competitiveness of industries trading on both sides of this border region by transferring the heavy truck traffic between Northport, Washington and Trail-Castlegar, over the 2,000 foot high Rossland Hill to the existing route, which needs upgrading on the United States side, along the Columbia River through the Waneta Border Crossing; AND WHEREAS this low-elevation route along the Columbia River would encourage more United States resident tourist traffic from Eastern Washington northward through the West Kootenay to Highway 1 at Revelstoke and encourage a circle route back to the United States through the East Kootenay; AND WHEREAS all north-south highway corridors in the south-eastern region of the province must continue to be upgraded in support of economic development: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities: 1 Encourage the Province of British Columbia to advocate for the Waneta low-elevation proposal with Washington State; and 2 Request that the Province of British Columbia commit to removing mobility obstacles to the efficient movement of products and people along essential north-south highways in south-eastern British Columbia.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate