Local Government Role in BC Framework for Cannabis

UBCM Executive

Whereas the federal government intends to legalize cannabis by July 2018, and to date the provincial government has conducted minimal consultation with local government regarding the development and implementation of a BC framework for cannabis; And whereas within a BC framework for cannabis, it is likely that a substantial portion of the regulatory burden and associated costsfor example, in the areas of compliance and enforcementwill fall on local government: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM membership endorse the following principles to guide UBCMs advocacy with the provincial government regarding local governments role in a BC framework for cannabis: - fulsome and meaningful provincial consultation with local governments; - provision of adequate provincial funding to cover any responsibilities and increase in administrative burden of any provincial framework that requires local government participation; - equitable sharing of tax revenues from cannabis between all orders of government; and - respect for local choice, jurisdiction and authority, including but not limited to land use and zoning decisions.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General Local governments have an important role to play as the federal government moves towards the legalization of cannabis in July 2018. The Province appreciates all the feedback that local governments and the Union of BC Municipalities UBCM have provided so fartheir perspective is crucial to developing effective policy and legislation that will serve British Columbians. The Province is committed to continuing to engage with local governments and the UBCM on cannabis legalization. The Province is working closely with local governments through the Joint Provincial-Local Government Committee on Cannabis Regulation JCCR, established after the UBCM Convention in September 2017. The Province is working on the development of the provincial regulatory framework and the goals of prioritizing the health and safety of British Columbians, reducing crime and the illegal market, protecting children and youth, and addressing cannabis impaired driving are guiding this work. The Province has used the feedback collected through the public and stakeholder engagement, and ongoing consultation with local and Indigenous governments and other key stakeholders to inform the development of the provincial regulatory framework and legislation in preparation for the legalization of cannabis in July 2018. On February 5, 2018 the Province released key aspects of the provincial regulatory framework, including further details on the proposed provincial cannabis retail framework, places of use and personal cultivation. The Province recognizes that a one size fits all approach may not work and that flexibility and local choice is of importance to local governments. Therefore, the proposed approach will give local governments the authority to make local decisions, based on the needs in their communities. In December 2017, the Federal Government announced they had reached an agreement with provinces and territories that provides for 75 of the revenues collected through the excise tax levied on cannabis to provinces and territories, with 25 being retained by the federal government. The Province is currently working collaboratively with the Federal Government to finalize the BC cannabis excise tax coordination agreement. The Province acknowledges local governments interests in revenue sharing and is committed to working with local governments to understand the potential costs they may experience as a result of cannabis legalization.

Convention Decision