Local Government Photo Radar

West Kelowna

Whereas local governments must address traffic safety challenges to ensure the well-being of our residents while balancing limited financial and RCMP resources; And whereas traffic speed enforcement in residential areas, playground and school zones is labour intensive and the ability to use photo radar as an enforcement tool has proven to be effective and efficient in the management of speed: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to amend provincial legislation to permit local governments to independently implement photo radar on local roads at the local governments expense.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General Government is committed to ensuring that that BC roads are safe for all road users and continues to make substantial investments into infrastructure, programs and technologies in support of this objective. The Province is not considering bringing back photo radar. As new technologies will continue to play a greater role in all areas of police enforcement and safety in the future, Government is actively looking at proven technologies that change driver behaviours and enable efficient, targeted deployment of human and automated resources. As investments in specialized technology are significant, government continues exploring approaches to further maximize existing technical infrastructure to improve speed management, compliance and road safety.

Convention Decision