Local Government Infrastructure Project Funding


Whereas the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada have taken a leadership role by investing in local government infrastructure projects, however exclude funding programs that supports irrigation water capital infrastructure that serves the agricultural sector; And whereas local governments across Canada responsibly manage and deliver irrigation water service to the agricultural sector through infrastructure that supports the economic health of the community: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the Province of British Columbia and Government of Canada to replace restrictive funding initiatives with funding criteria that supports local government capital infrastructure project funding for irrigation water services that serves agriculture.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Municipal Affairs Housing In joint Federal-Provincial capital grant program, eligible categories are determined by the Federal Government. Infrastructure funding programs are developed to support core public services. Capital infrastructure funding for agricultural irrigation projects would not generally fit the definition of a core public service. The priorities of capital grant programs are to fund water infrastructure projects that address public health and environmental risks faced by local governments through the development and improvement of local government infrastructure. Irrigation systems may benefit from grant funding for the development and improvement of local government infrastructure when potable water and agricultural irrigation exist in a single system. In the past, irrigation systems have benefited from federal and provincial infrastructure grant programs that supported the twinning or separation of domestic and agricultural water systems. Funding of these projects are considered as a more cost effective means of providing potable drinking water to communities and can result in significant infrastructure operation and maintenance cost savings for both drinking water and agricultural water systems.

Federal Response

Ministry of Infrastructure and Communities The GTF offers flexibility for municipalities to apply their funds to one of 18 different categories. Unfortunately, at this time, irrigation for private use and fire recovery are not eligible categories.

Other Response

FCM At the latest board meeting in March 2018, the FCM Board of Directors considered the resolution and categorized it as Category A Non-Concurrence. This category contains resolutions not addressed by FCM in the last three years that are the direct responsibility or concern of Canadian municipalities beyond a regional level and falls within the jurisdiction of the federal government. However, resolutions adopted with non-concurrence are not endorsed by FCM and will not involve further action.

Convention Decision