Local Government Action on Energy Efficiency for New Buildings

North Vancouver City

WHEREAS the Province announced its intention to develop a new unified BC Green Building Code 2007 Throne Speech and later announced its intention to implement new energy efficiency standards for all new construction in British Columbia by 2010 2007 BC Energy Plan; AND WHEREAS BC local governments wishing to support the Provinces new BC Energy Plan by implementing new building energy efficiency regulations between 2007 and 2010 are unable to do so without the authorization of the Minister of Community Services: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province establish a procedure that would allow interested local governments to implement and require the energy efficiency standards for new buildings called for in the Provinces Energy Efficient Buildings: A Plan for BC, namely: Energuide 80 for residential buildings and 25 better than the standards in the Model National Energy Code for commercial buildings; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Province actively engage local governments in the development of the proposed unified BC Green Building Code and the proposed energy efficiency standards.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF FORESTS AND RANGE, AND MINISTER RESPONSIBLE FOR HOUSING In February, the Province of British Columbia Province promised to take immediate, aggressive action to combat climate change. The Green Building Code and the B.C. Energy Plan are part of our commitment to making the Province a leader in sustainable environmental management. Local government representatives are participating in an industry advisory committee providing feedback on development of the green building code. We have received useful feedback from industry and local governments on how we can develop green building regulations that are practical and cost-effective. We expect to conduct consultation this fall with local governments and the general public on several proposed initiatives. We are exploring a range of goals including: water conservation, reducing energy consumption, promoting re-use of existing buildings, more environmentally friendly use of construction materials and resources, improving indoor air quality, and encouraging innovation in design. The Community Charter strikes a balance between local government authority to make decisions that best suit their communities, and the consistent, safe building standards set out in the B.C. Building Code for every community in the Province.

Convention Decision