Local Government Access to Proceeds of Crime

Cariboo RD

WHEREAS illegal drug production and sales negatively impact communities and cause economic harm to residents, businesses and local governments; AND WHEREAS the Civil Forfeiture Act enables the provincial government to seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be lobbied to enact legislation that expands on the Civil Forfeiture Act, to allow local governments to share in the proceeds from property seized due to the cultivation andor production of illegal substances on the premises or to acquire such property for community purposes at no cost.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY SOLICITOR GENERAL The Civil Forfeiture Act allows for local governments and communities to share in the proceeds of forfeited property through funding grants in support of crime prevention and crime remediation activities. Since the legislation was enacted in 2006, over 930,000 has been disbursed to communities and agencies across the province. The Civil Forfeiture Office, which administers the civil forfeiture program, is self-funding and all expenses related to forfeiture proceedings including legal costs, are paid for through successful forfeiture actions.

Convention Decision