Local Food Systems Planning


WHEREAS small agricultural producers are significant contributors to local, sustainable food production and associated economies; AND WHEREAS many small producers are struggling and even ceasing production under current regulatory and economic conditions, which could result in loss of local production and negatively impact the sustainability of BC communities: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province provide resources to enable all local governments to create and implement solutions for supporting local food resilience and supply through food systems planning.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture Lands Purchasing fresh and healthy BC products contributes to a strong BC economy by supporting our farmers and our farming communities. The Ministry works closely with other agencies including the Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport, regional Health Authorities, BC Farmers Market Association and BC AgriTourism Alliance in support of local food. Local food resilience is complex and involves many groups. However, it is most effective when addressed at the local level. Understanding regional agriculture capacity is a good start, and Ministry of Agriculture and Lands has worked with local governments to develop 37 Agriculture Advisory Committees and 34 Agriculture Area Plans and Strategies. Regional Agrologists are available to work with local governments to identify funding sources, key contacts, and effective planning approaches. Congratulations to the Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary on recently establishing an Agriculture Advisory Committee and starting a regional Agricultural Plan.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision
Endorsed as Amended