Local Administration Investment of Carbon Off-set Funds

Grand Forks

WHEREAS the Climate Change Charter requires local governments to purchase Carbon Off-sets as part of their obligation to become carbon neutral by 2012; AND WHEREAS these funds can be more effectively spent by the same local governments that pay it: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities petition the Province of British Columbia to allow local governments to administer and invest in local environmental programs with their own Carbon Off-set funds.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment - Climate Action Secretariat The Climate Action Secretariat is working in conjunction with the Ministry of Community and Rural Development and UBCM to support the Green Communities Committee GCC and Carbon Neutral Working Group in determining how local governments will offset their GHG emissions to achieve carbon neutral status for 2012. Local government representatives to the working group have advised that they would like the opportunity to develop offset projects and or direct offset payments towards credible offset projects in their community or region. A credible offset project is one that meets specific criteria in order to demonstrate that the project delivers a measurable absolute reduction of GHGs in the atmosphere. Allowing local governments to invest the equivalent of their offset obligation in environmental projects that may not achieve a net reduction in GHGs is not in keeping with the carbon neutral commitment. Over the coming months the GCC, in conjunction with the Carbon Neutral Working Group, will be exploring a range of options in order to develop a local government offset framework that meets the test for credibility and also supports employment opportunities and the low carbon economy in communities across the province of B.C.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision