Limiting the Access and Appeal of Vape Products to Youth


Whereas Health Canada has stated that they share the concerns of parents, educators, youth and public stakeholders regarding the increase of youth vaping in Canada; And whereas Health Canada is currently undergoing a public consultation process to gather comments on additional regulatory measures that would aim to reduce youth use of vaping products; And whereas the local governments have limited powers and jurisdiction to protect youth from access, sale and appeal of vape products, including no resources for enforcement; Therefore be it resolved that FCM and UBCM be asked to call upon Health Canada and the provincial and territorial governments to move quickly to coordinate additional public policy and regulations to address access, sale and appeal of vape products to youth, and offer additional enforcement resources, to halt the growing usage of vape products among our youth as a matter of concern to local government and their communities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health It is a priority of Government to work collaboratively to address the many activities that entice youth to vape. Vaping is a complex and rapidly evolving public health problem that requires collaboration from all levels of government, youth, public health officials, educators, parents, industry and regulators. The solution must effectively address the various avenues that youth are gaining access and are exposed to vapour products. On November 14, 2019, the Honourable Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, on behalf of the Province of British Columbia the Province, announced a comprehensive 10-point Action Plan to address the rising incidence of youth vaping. Through regulatory amendments, the Province will be restricting vapour product access, flavours, nicotine content, packaging and advertising. Regulatory changes will be supported by a youth-led anti-vaping social media campaign, designed to de-normalize vaping. The Province has already increased taxes on vapour products to protect youth from the harms and risks associated with vaping. From December 17, 2019 to January 24, 2020, the Ministry of Health the Ministry engaged with stakeholders and the general public on the proposed regulations through the Vapour Products Intentions Paper: The Ministry is currently considering stakeholder and public feedback in the finalization of the proposed regulatory measures. The Provincial Government continues to collaborate with the Federal Government to identify additional measures that will address this issue.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision