Library Funding


WHEREAS provincial funding for libraries has not risen sufficiently to keep abreast of increases in costs due to general inflation in British Columbia for a period of at least 10 years; AND WHEREAS this has resulted in decreased provincial funding for libraries in real dollars and increased costs for municipalities and regional districts; AND WHEREAS libraries play an important role in establishing social equity and providing equal opportunities for children from diverse backgrounds and economic strata: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of the Province of British Columbia be asked to provide increased funding for libraries at least equal to the increase in general inflation in British Columbia over the last 10 years.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Education The Province of British Columbia Province has invested 12 million over three years, starting in April, 2005, to implement the public library strategic plan, Libraries Without Walls, which will bring broadband Internet to every branch, provide a virtual reference service and help set up the OneCard program. The funding includes 1.8 million to support literacy programs in libraries and improve technology to help libraries participate in electronic opportunities in the future. The Provinces public libraries are a key component of the Government of British Columbias goal to make the Province the best-educated, most literate jurisdiction on the continent.

Convention Decision