Legal Aid for BC


WHEREAS local governments, being committed to equal access to justice for all citizens, consider that the provincial government has an obligation to fund legal services to ensure equal access to justice for every British Columbian; AND WHEREAS reduced provincial government funding has, in the face of significantly increased demand, resulted in deep cuts to legal aid services and staff, thus harming the most vulnerable in our society, predominantly lower-income women and children: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM urge the Province to restore and increase funding for legal aid in British Columbia.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Attorney General Provincial funding for core legal aid services has not been reduced. Since 2005 the Province has been steadily increasing funding for legal aid. New funding has focused on assisting families in finding earlier and more stable resolutions of their family problems. As and when the fiscal situation permits, the Province will consider increasing funding for legal aid programs that efficiently and effectively assist British Columbians in resolving their legal problems. Any new funding for legal aid must be evaluated in the context of governments need to fund essential services.

Convention Decision