Issuance of Water Licenses

Central Kootenay RD

Whereas local governments can be reliant on surface water sources to support development; And whereas water licenses can take the province years to issue: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Ministry of Forest, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development to provide clarity on what is causing delays in the issuance of water licenses.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development prioritizes water license applications with respect to public safety, environmental protection, and economic development and growth. Water Stewardship continues to work with local governments to identify water licence applications with significant impacts to these priorities. Water Stewardship is also willing to provide input on how to address concerns of development, subdivisions, and water supply that are not dependent on a water licence issuance, noting that a water licence does not guarantee water supply. This would allow for improvements that could be implemented to minimize conflicting provincial and local government processes. The Ministry continues to work through submitted applications. Water Stewardship seeks to review efficiency opportunities to better meet the needs of all applicants and licensees in the region and will continue to work with the local governments to identify these needs.

Convention Decision