International Association of Fire Fighters Negotiations


WHEREAS the arbitration process laid out in the Fire and Police Services Collective Bargaining Act does not appear to be in the best interest of individual local governments; AND WHEREAS the process appears to be heavily weighted to the interest of the International Association of Fire Fighters IAFF and the results of the arbitrators decisions are escalating career firefighter wages and benefits beyond what many local governments can afford and does not recognize the ratepayers ability to pay or afford: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM call on the provincial government to amend the Fire and Police Services Collective Bargaining Act to provide direction to arbitrators to more fairly represent and consider the individual interest and abilities of local government.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Jobs, Tourism Skills Training Minister Responsible for Labour The purpose of the Fire and Police Services Collective Bargaining Act Act is to provide access for unions and employers to binding interest arbitration to resolve a collective bargaining dispute. By proceeding to arbitration, the parties are able to maintain the ability to engage in face-to-face negotiations and avoid a strike or lockout which would interrupt the delivery of services critical to the protection of human life and property. The Act has achieved this objective. The Act contains specific provisions establishing criteria to which an arbitrator must have regard in making hisher decision. While these criteria are purposely broad and allow the parties to raise before the arbitrator the appropriate weight to be given to each of them, they do include specific direction for the arbitrator to consider the interest and the welfare of the community i.e., section 46e. In addition, where a party applies to the Minister for direction to proceed to arbitration in a particular dispute, it is free to request that the Minister consider specifying additional terms of reference. It should be noted that in applying the Act, arbitrators are to have regard to the terms and conditions of employment for other groups of the employers employees. As a result, employers should be mindful about the outcome of freely negotiated collective agreements when engaging in collective bargaining with police and fire unions. At this time, the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour has no plans to amend the Act. The Ministry will continue to actively monitor collective bargaining in the sectors covered by the Act.

Convention Decision