Insurance Provider for Nonprofit Organizations

Grand Forks

WHEREAS tourism and volunteer organizations are critical to the makeup of British Columbia; AND WHEREAS the recent unprecedented jump in insurance rates is causing undue hardship for these non-profit organizations, societies and recreational providers throughout the province: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government facilitate the establishment of an insurance provider for non-profit organizations, societies and recreational providers.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Finance Governments historical policy has been to establish risk financing programs only in situations where contractors or volunteers deliver services that have traditionally been delivered by government employees or for new services that would other wise have to be delivered by government employees if not delivered by contractors or volunteers. Two current examples are the programs that provide coverage for the volunteer organizations that contract with the Province to maintain the provincial forest recreation trail network and for those organizations that maintain some sections of the British Columbia portion of the Trans Canada Trail. For all other tourism and volunteer organizations, governments view is that these organizations should discuss their concerns with their brokers and insurers to assess how insurance premiums can be effectively reduced e.g. adoption of Best Risk Management Practices, staff education, etc. The Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Finance is presently available to meet with the UBCM or a committee established by the UBCM to better understand the risk financing concerns of the organizations identified in UBCM Resolution B 161 and to assist in developing an effective response to those concerns. It is strongly recommended that the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia be invited to participate in this process.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended