Increased Funding Resources for Stream Protection


WHEREAS the protection and restoration of watercourses are of benefit to local governments and the general public insofar as healthy watercourses and supporting ecosystems provide valuable ecosystem services, such as filtration, purification and delivery of water; mitigation of floods; renewal of soil and soil fertility; maintenance of biodiversity; and cultural and spiritual value; AND WHEREAS the protection of water resources is principally a responsibility of the Province under the Water Act and the Fish Protection Act; AND WHEREAS reduced provincial funding for critical water resource regulatory and enforcement services is placing increased pressure on local governments to take on additional responsibility for the regulation of development in and about watercourses: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province provide increased human resources to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations MFLNRO in order to uphold its mandate, and additional resources to support local government efforts in protecting and restoring watercourses.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations The Province recognizes the importance that provincial water resources contribute to community needs, a healthy environment and economic growth. Managing this important resource was one the key drivers in creating the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations FLNR, which expands responsibility for water issues to a greater number of provincial staff. It also allows for a one land manager approach to resource management, which is of critical importance in protecting provincial water resources. These changes have allowed the province to use existing staff resources in a more efficient manner. In addition, FLNR staff continue to work with staff from the Ministry Environment on modernizing the Water Act, the key piece of legislation governing water in BC.

Convention Decision