Inadequacies of the BC Product Stewardship Recycling Program

Peace River RD

WHEREAS existing BC product stewardship programs, which include tires, paint, electronics and beverage containers are funded through the collection of environmental handling fees paid by consumers at the time of product purchase; AND WHEREAS many smaller municipalities are regional districts are not being properly serviced by the various product stewards and as a result bear the additional costs of product collections and disposal: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to undertake a complete review of all existing BC stewardship programs to ensure that all communities in British Columbia are receiving the full benefit of the existing stewardship programs before the Ministry of Environment moves on to develop programs for new stewardship products.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Recycling Regulation establishes stewardship responsibilities for producers of prescribed products. The regulation requires the provision of reasonable and free consumer access to collection facilities. Local governments are encouraged to provide input during the development of and consultation on stewardship plans to ensure appropriate levels of service. To provide input regarding convenient access to collection facilities for existing stewardship plans local governments are encouraged to work with the existing stewardship agencies to meet an adequate service level, either individually or as a collective through the BC Product Stewardship Council.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision