Implementation of Integrated Oceans Management Under Canadas Oceans Act

Central Coast RD

WHEREAS the Pacific Ocean plays a critical role in the economy, culture, ecology and health of BC, especially coastal communities; AND WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada signed a Memorandum of Understanding Respecting the Implementation of Canadas Oceans Strategy on the Pacific Coast of Canada in 2004 and the Government of Canada identified the Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area PNCIMA in 2005 as the lead Large Ocean Management Area LOMA for the Pacific Region under Canadas Oceans Action Plan: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities: 1. Urge the Government of Canada to move on its commitment under the Oceans Act to work with governments and interested parties to immediately develop an Integrated Oceans Management Planning Process for PNCIMA; 2. Urge the Government of British Columbia to engage in the collaborative process of Integrated Oceans Management Planning; 3. Request that the federal government engages local governments in the PNCIMA planning process; 4. Call for the continued allocation of funds to Integrated Oceans Management in the federal budget, including funds to support the engagement of municipalities; 5. Request that an Integrated Oceans Management Planning Process for PNCIMA be publicly announced before December 31, 2008.

Convention Decision
Not Admitted for Debate