Illegal Dumping Enforcement

Sunshine Coast RD

WHEREAS illegal dumping is a growing problem for local governments and the environment; AND WHEREAS enforcement action for illegal waste disposal on Crown land is unsatisfactory: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Environment be urged to invest more resources in prosecuting offenders who unlawfully deposit waste material on Crown land.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment The Province recognizes that illegal dumping is a growing concern for local governments and the environment, as well as a significant public safety concern in communities across British Columbia. The Conservation Officer Service will continue to maintain its current level of service delivery through officers working in the larger geographic area, as well as collaborative initiatives with other law enforcement agencies. In June, 2012, the Natural Resource Officer designation came into effect. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations FLNRO Compliance and Enforcement staff were designated as Natural Resource Officers. The designation provides consistency regarding their authorities and increases the enforcement presence in the natural resource sector. At this time, the Natural Resource Officers have been authorized to enforce legislation falling within the mandate of FLNRO. The majority of these staff have also been given authority as Special Conservation Officers which enables them to enforce legislation that is within the mandate of the Ministry of Environment. Examples of this include issues around litter and open burning.

Convention Decision