ICBC Aggregate Data


WHEREAS local governments have been mandated by the Province to set community greenhouse gas reduction targets that will require the implementation of sector-specific climate action initiatives; AND WHEREAS a significant portion of community emissions are produced by the transportation sector of which there is very little aggregate data available to develop a baseline upon which to measure the success of climate action initiatives: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province direct ICBC to collect and release aggregate data e.g., the estimate of vehicle kilometers traveled by vehicle class that local governments can use to implement and measure the success of transportation-related climate action initiatives.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General ICBC has investigated the technology necessary to support collecting vehicle kilometres travelled. There are a number of concerns, most significantly customer perceptions that it was an invasion of privacy. These perceptions, when combined with the present cost of the technology, put the likelihood of widespread voluntary acceptance of this approach in serious doubt. In the absence of this technology, there are also administrative challenges to record and track mileage for over three million customers individually at the time of policy renewal, especially given that this is not current practice. Verification of odometers would be difficult as it would require every vehicle to physically attend a brokers office, significantly adding to the time and complexity of the transaction. There are also concerns regarding the cost of implementing such a check and potential risks of fraud. Currently, ICBC provides available data to the Province to assist with determining greenhouse gases in communities. The Province is continuing to explore options for gathering aggregate data.

Convention Decision