Human Trafficking

NCLGA Executive

WHEREAS human trafficking is a real and devastating issue in British Columbia; AND WHEREAS significant work research has been done as of late to aid in the prevention and prosecution of human trafficking throughout Canada: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the RCMP, local police forces, and local governments to continue to work collaboratively in order to implement the recommendations found within the National Task Force on Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls in Canadas recent report NO MORE Ending Sex-Trafficking in Canada as well as the Province of British Columbias Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General BC is a national leader in the fight against human trafficking and takes its commitment to combating human trafficking seriously. BCs Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons OCTIP, is part of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Branch, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General. OCTIP is actively engaged with its partners, including municipal governments, service providers, local police forces and the RCMP to implement actions outlined in BCs Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking 2013-2016. Representatives from OCTIP and the RCMP were members of the Task Force that developed the NO MORE: Ending Sex Trafficking in Canada report and recommendations for the Canadian Womens Foundation. The City of Torontos initiatives to address human trafficking are highlighted as a model of action within a municipal framework in this report. BC is making significant progress and continues to implement priorities and actions focussing on preventing and addressing trafficking of youth for sexual exploitation, vulnerable workers, and the domestic trafficking of Aboriginal youth and women. OCTIP is dedicated to working in partnership to assist and protect trafficked persons and has a close working relationship with police, including the Vancouver Police Departments Counter Exploitation Unit and the RCMPs Human Trafficking Coordinator for the BCYukon region. The RCMP actively enforces Canadas human trafficking laws and continues to investigate cases of human trafficking in BC. OCTIP will continue to liaise and collaborate with the RCMPs BC Human Trafficking Awareness Coordinator, the RCMPs Human Trafficking National Coordination Centre, municipal police departments, and other stakeholders to address human trafficking in BC. OCTIP welcomes the opportunity to work collaboratively with UBCM and local municipal governments to further address issues of human trafficking in areas of prevention, awareness raising, training, education and service provision.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended