Highways Maintenance Standards

NCLGA Executive

WHEREAS the level of maintenance on highways and roads has a significant impact on the safety of the traveling public; AND WHEREAS the climatic and geographic conditions vary substantially from region to region within the province: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the Ministry of Transportation to revisit the highways maintenance standards in order to ensure that the maintenance standards recognize the different climatic and geographical differences throughout the province, and revise and upgrade the maintenance standards as required to ensure the safety of all travelers on our roadways.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The ministry recognizes that climate and geography vary greatly across the Province of British Columbia and can impact highway maintenance and safety. The ministry has implemented highway maintenance specifications that maintenance contractors must meet. These specifications are performance based and require that the same level of service is achieved regardless of changes in climate or geography across the province. The maintenance specifications are also responsive to the classification of the individual highway. Highway classifications are primarily based on traffic volumes, but also consider other influences such as whether the highway is a school bus route, or carries a higher percentage of industrial traffic. Highway classifications are continuously reviewed by each local District office to ensure each highway is receiving the appropriate level of service. The ministry also reviews current practices nationally and internationally to ensure we remain current with the best practices in highway maintenance. Through this process of continuous review the ministry ensures its maintenance specifications are consistent with industry best practices and provide a high level of service and traveller safety while providing fiscally responsible road maintenance.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision