Highway Speed Limits

Central Okanagan RD

WHEREAS the safety of rural highways in British Columbia is being questioned by many residents living in rural BC since the ministry of Transportation and infrastructure increased the speed limit on many of these highways to 100 kmhr in 2014; AND WHEREAS speed limits in rural British Columbia do vary from region to region: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure be requested to formalize a process to allow for the lowering of the speed limit on certain highways that pass through rural communities and neighbourhoods upon receipt of a Regional Board resolution to that effect.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Ministry will consider requests to evaluate speed limits made by a Regional Board or Municipal Government on a case by case basis. The Province establishes speed limits using a consistent engineering approach based on standards developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. This practice is commonly used throughout North America and allows for consistent and appropriate speed limits. When evaluating speed limits, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure MoTI Engineers carry out an evaluation that includes: - An analysis of free flow operating speeds as well as safety history - Geometric characteristics of the highway - Consistency of speed limits along the highway - Land use in the area Appropriate speed limits encourage driver compliance. Unrealistic speed limits lead to non- compliance and large differences in travel speeds which can decrease safety.

Convention Decision