Highway Snow Removal

Dawson Creek

WHEREAS many communities have provincial highways that pass within their boundaries, with snow clearing of these highways contracted by areas outside of local government control; AND WHEREAS highway, non-urban snow ploughing methods are not compatible with urban infrastructure including sidewalks, creating safety issues with automobile and foot traffic within communities and causing extra expense for local governments: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities work with the Ministry of Transportation and Department of Highways to formulate an agreement that highways within local governments be cleared of snow and ice and, in spring, be cleared of gravel, in a manner that is consistent with, and complimentary to, the practices followed by the local governments public works department and, further, that adequate funding will be available to ensure that this service can be delivered.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION The Ministry of Transportation Ministry requires the Maintenance Contractors throughout the Province of British Columbia Province to meet the standards for snow and ice removal and surface cleaning as set out in the 2003-2004 Highway Maintenance Contracts Maintenance Specifications. The specifications have been developed by Ministry staff and the Maintenance Contractor is compensated for meeting them. Under current agreements for cost sharing and works between the ministry of transportation and municipalities on Arterial highways the Ministry is 100 responsible for undertaking the work and paying the associated costs for both snow plowing and application and de-icing and anti-icing chemicals and the application of winter abrasives. This work is accomplished through contracted highway maintenance providers who must meet defined service levels as described in the Ministry specifications. It is 100 the responsibility of the municipality to undertake and pay for removal of snow from arterial highways. The Ministry strongly encourages and will facilitate meetings if required between Ministry maintenance contractors and municipal works agencies to ensure that our works are coordinated to the best extent possible to facilitate snow removal by municipalities. Where municipalities choose not to remove snow from Arterial highways the contractor will use standard plowing procedures to ensure best results for the travelling public and ensure safety. For sweeping of Arterial highways including pickup of winter abrasives: -In curb and gutter sections it is 100 the responsibility of the municipality -In sections without curb and gutter it is 100 the responsibility of the Province through the maintenance contractor. In all cases sufficient funding has been allocated to the maintenance contracts to ensure these services are provided, and we encourage municipal works agencies to discuss coordinated efforts with local ministry and maintenance contractor staff.

Convention Decision