Highway 16 Updates Improvements


Whereas the Trans-Canada Highway 16 is the only east-west highway connecting communities in northern BC and is a critical link for the economic development of the region and province, especially providing access to the Asia-Pacific; And whereas there is a need to facilitate safe and efficient traffic flow on the highway through areas that are in dire need of improvements, reducing bottle-necks, more three-laning, and safer level rail crossings, etc.: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the federal and provincial governments to allocate the necessary funds and implement a comprehensive program to make improvements on the Trans-Canada Highway 16, as well as Highways 118, 37, and 27, within BC.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation Infrastructure The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure agrees that Highway 16 is a critical link for Northern BC, as well as being the sole collector route for other northwest BCs highways, including Hwy 37, 27, and 118. These routes connect northern BC communities and are critical in the facilitation of both British Columbias and the rest of Canadas trade with the Asia-Pacific via the Port of Prince Rupert. The Ministry has invested significantly in the Highway 16 including over 200M in capital and rehabilitation on Highway 16 over the last six years. The plan is to continue to invest moving forward to reduce bottle-necks, and add passing lanes and we are proud to say that our last remaining rail mainline level crossing will soon be resolved with our upcoming Mile 28 project east of Terrace. The Ministry has recently been successful in acquiring 54.4M in federal government partnership funding on a number of projects valued at over 120M along these highways including; Hwy 16Mile 28 Rail Grade separation 37M, Hwy 16 Bunce to Blackwater Four-laning, Hwy 37 Nass River Bridge 24M, the Hwy 16 passing lane program including five passing lanes and the Highway 1637 intersection improvement 37.7M. Project preparation continues on Mile 28 and the Ministry is anticipating tendering this project winter 2018. Construction is well underway on the Highway 16 passing lane program on two of the Highway 16 passing lanes; Rainbow Hill east of Prince Rupert and Thyee east of Telkwa with both of these expected to be completed 2018. Design and project preparation continues on the remaining three passing lanes and the intersection of Highway 16 and 37 near Terrace. The Bunce to Blackwater project is proceeding well and is scheduled for completion in 2018. We are near tender ready on the Nass River Bridge replacement that will replace our last single lane structure on Highway 37 with a modern two lane bridge. These are in addition to the significant investment in rehabilitation along the route including substantial resurfacing along the Highway 16 and adjoining highways such as Highway 27.

Convention Decision