High Risk Offenders


WHEREAS high risk offenders may return to the community or vicinity where their crimes took place; AND WHEREAS undue hardship, stress, and potential re-victimization of victims occurs when high risk offenders return to the place of their crimes following release from prison: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial and federal governments to amend or create laws or policies that will prohibit offenders labeled high risk from residing in the community or the vicinity of the community where they committed their crimes following release from prison.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY AND SOLICITOR GENERAL The Province of British Columbia Province is committed to developing effective responses to concerns about high risk offenders in the community. The type of legislation or policy proposed by the resolution presents a number of issues. In addition to the challenges posed by infringing on the constitutional rights of the offender, evidence does not suggest that such legislation or policy would be effective in protecting victims and there may even be unintended negative consequences for victims and communities. The Province is currently working closely with federal and provincial counterparts to respond to the publics concerns about high risk offenders. This includes ongoing examination of legislation, policies and practices that could help to improve safety in communities. There are policies in place for notifying victims and the community when high risk offenders are released.

Convention Decision