Heavy Industry Mill Rate


WHEREAS heavy industry in British Columbia, both in mining and forestry, is struggling to remain competitive in world markets hit heavily by the economic down turn, and these industries are further challenged by high cost of extraction for low return and diminishing resources such as forestry decimated by pine beetle; AND WHEREAS many of these industries are located in municipalities where that industry is the economic driver and major provider of employment in the community such that industrial shutdown can pose a threat to the continued viability of that community; AND WHEREAS heavy industry is demanding relief from municipal taxes to ensure continued operation; AND WHEREAS many municipalities rely heavily on the continued operation of those heavy industries both as a source of taxation revenue and job provision within the community: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be requested to determine an equitable solution that will allow for taxation relief of heavy industry without shifting the taxation burden to residents and business or causing operational hardship to local government.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive
Executive Decision
Referred to Steering Committee on Industrial Taxation