Handling of Resolutions

Central Kootenay RD

WHEREAS it is nearly impossible for UBCM to set priorities and many resolutions are not appropriately dealt with each year due to the great number of resolutions; AND WHEREAS it may take up to a year to have a resolution dealt with; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM adopt a form of FCMs policy for handling resolutions, as follows: 1. Resolutions that are in line with existing policy are dealt with and forwarded as they are received, with the sponsor notified. 2. Resolutions that need quick action are dealt with by staff and executive when received if they are non-contentious. 3. Resolutions that create new policy andor resolutions that the sponsor specifically requests debate on are forwarded to the AGM. 4. Results of how each resolution is being dealt with reported out in The Compass.

Convention Decision