Handling of Motions to Vary the Agenda

Port Hardy

Whereas Section 14c of the UBCM Bylaws provides that at the Annual Convention, a voting delegate may put forward from off the floor any motion for discussionsuch as a resolution not in the Resolutions Book, or a Resolutions Book Section C resolution, not recommended to be admitted for discussionand if the support of three-fifths 60 per cent of the voting delegates present is given, such a motion may be admitted for discussion; And whereas UBCM practice is to vary the agenda to undertake immediate discussion of the motion; however, this practice: - disrupts the agenda and the planned order of discussion of resolutions printed in the Resolutions Book; and - does not allow voting delegates to prepare or plan to be present for discussion of the motion from off the floor: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM membership request a change of practice, so that upon admission for debate of a motion from off the floor: - discussion of the motion from off the floor does not commence immediately, but is instead scheduled to take place at a later time during the Annual Convention; and - UBCM provides notification to voting delegates about the motion from off the floor and the time it is scheduled for discussion, so that voting delegates may prepare for and attend discussion of the motion.

Convention Decision
Not Endorsed