Grant Programs for Regional Districts

Kootenay Boundary RD

WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada have introduced many grant programs such as Towns for Tomorrow; AND WHEREAS the most recent version of the Towns for Tomorrow Program limited Regional Districts to one application only: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to recognize the unique nature of regional districts and to allow regional boards to endorse and submit up to one application per electoral area for Towns for Tomorrow.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development The provincial government does recognize the unique nature of regional districts. As such, regional districts were included as eligible applicants in the 2009, and subsequent Towns for Tomorrow Program intakes, when in 2007-2008, regional districts were not considered eligible applicants. It is also recognized that under the Towns for Tomorrow Program, there was limited funding for any given year, and a desire to maximize the benefit on a regional basis. Further recognizing the unique nature of regional districts, the 2011 Community Recreation Program allows for 3 applications per regional district, increasing the opportunities within any individual regional district for funding. Finally, while the Towns for Tomorrow Program has met its initial mandate with respect to funding, and is now fully committed, the provincial government will consider regional district application criteria in future programs andor extensions to existing programs.

Convention Decision