Genetically Engineered Plants Animals


WHEREAS some Genetically Engineered GE crops, through pollination, can disperse their pollen and genes indiscriminately and potentially contaminate non-GE crops, resulting in lawsuits, loss of organic certification, and marketability; AND WHEREAS there is particular concern with the transfer of DNA between species and the potential unintended consequences, especially with animal species; AND WHEREAS Vancouver Island and associated coastal communities are isolated from other agricultural areas in British Columbia, which can provide practical approaches to avoiding contamination by GE organisms and these locations suggest that there is an opportunity for local farmers to provide organic production, to help maintain long-term sustainability, to foster a living seed bank, and to be a refuge from genetically engineered contamination: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM ask the British Columbia government to legislate the prohibition of importing, exporting and growing plants and seeds containing genetically engineered DNA, and raising GE animals within BC, and to declare through legislation that the province of BC is a GE Free area in respect to all plant and animal species.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Agriculture The Province recognizes that production of genetically engineered GE living organisms, such as plants and animals, as well as GE viruses attracts considerable public attention. Declaring regions or all of BC to be GE-free with respect to all plant and animal species would facilitate organic production, provide a refuge for non-GE seed living banks and enable production of other GE-free products sought by export and domestic markets. The Province recognizes that some UBCM members have indicated their preference for GE-free status of their jurisdictions. Responsibility for the evaluation of the safety of GE products rests with the Federal Government. BC considers that the Federal food safety and environmental evaluation processes for GE products must be kept current to ensure a safe food supply. The process must be transparent, based on good scientific analysis and acceptable to independent scientists.

Convention Decision