Funding for Water Infrastructure Projects


WHEREAS small communities struggle with funding costly water infrastructure projects such as, but not limited to, the development and construction of a water treatment plant to address complaints of dirty and unsafe drinking water; AND WHEREAS turbidity is not so much a health concern as an indicator of health risk particularly for at-risk populations such as newborns, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems e.g. those with HIVAids, undergoing chemotherapy, or taking anti-rejection drugs and can interfere with chlorination: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the federal and provincial governments to enhance funding programs to assist local governments to address issues of providing clean and safe drinking water to their communities.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development The Ministry recognizes the challenges faced by small communities in achieving critical services such as drinking water. The Ministry has continued to support both small communities and the development of drinking water infrastructure through the development of provincial programs BC Community Water Improvement Program and Towns for Tomorrow, as well as federalprovincial programs Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, Building Canada Fund Communities Component and the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. These programs have provided local governments with access to funding to improve drinking water infrastructure, and ensure that communities and families have safe, potable water. Currently, the Ministry, in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, is consulting with the federal government on the development of a long-term infrastructure program. The Ministrys focus is on local government infrastructure, including smaller communities. It is anticipated that a new program will focus on provincial, regional and local priorities, such as the provision of safe, potable drinking water.

Convention Decision