Funding of Road-side Rescue Services

Fort St. James

WHEREAS volunteer organizations in many small communities provide road rescue and vehicle extrication services to motorists both inside and outside of municipal jurisdictions but are required to provide their own specialized training, equipment, and liability insurance; AND WHEREAS the majority of road accidents requiring rescue or vehicle extrication services occur outside municipal boundaries but only fees for service are recovered through the Provincial Emergency Program: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the provincial government to provide core funding for training, equipment, and insurance for volunteer road rescue and vehicle extrication organizations.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The recent report presented to the Province on transforming the FireRescue Service includes several recommendations which relate to this resolution. The Province has committed to review the report and respond to each of the recommendations. The issue of funding for volunteer road rescue and vehicle extrication organization will be examined as part of our review of the report. The Province established a Leadership Group of stakeholders, to assist in the responses to the recommendations. Additional subject matter experts and local authority representatives may be asked to assist on Working Groups addressing individual recommendations.

Convention Decision