Funding for Climate Change


WHEREAS the scientific community and the BC provincial government are agreed that climate change is occurring; AND WHEREAS local governments and residents are on the front line in having to adapt to local climate change issues: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the federal and provincial governments be requested to assist in funding the development and implementation of local government climate change adaptation strategies.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES The Province is committed to working with British Columbia communities to address the critical issue of climate change. Significant federal funding is already in place to support local government climate change actions through the Canada - British Columbia - UBCM Gas Tax Agreement GTA. Under the GTA, all local governments outside of the Greater Vancouver Regional District GVRD may use gas tax funds toward capacity building projects which could include climate action plans that consider both mitigation and adaptation strategies. GVRD municipalities may also be eligible for climate action plan funding from the Ministry of Community Services. In addition, provincial funding is available under programs such as the LocalMotion Fund, Spirits Squares, Towns for Tomorrow and Green City Awards which are aimed at making communities greener, healthier places to live. Finally, the recently announced 14 billion Provincial Transit Plan is a key measure to help reduce greenhouse gases and improve community livability. The Plan will focus on providing safe, comfortable, reliable transit services that highlight green technologies that will enhance and expand transit choices for people around the province, ultimately leading to cleaner, healthier and more energy efficient communities with reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Convention Decision