Funding for Child Youth Mental Health Substance Use Collaborative

Squamish-Lillooet RD

Whereas the Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Collaborative CYMHSUC, funded and supported by Doctors of BC and the Government of British Columbia, has been working to increase timely access to integrated support and services for children, youth and families, which work contributes to improving and potentially saving the lives of children and youth struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues in British Columbia; And whereas the CYMHSUC has grown, since 2013, to 11 provincial working groups, comprising the 64 CYMHSUC local action teams, addressing complex issues such as emergency room protocols, rural telehealth, information sharing guidelines and increased literacy for mental health and substance use in schools through training teachers and counsellors on mental health curriculum and mental health first aid; And whereas the Government of British Columbia has not committed funding for the CYMHSUC beyond 2017: Therefore be it resolved that the Government of British Columbia continue funding and support for the Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use Collaborative beyond 2017.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health The Child Youth Mental Health Substance Use Collaborative CYMHSUC is a program administered under the Shared Care Committee SCC, a partnership between the Ministry of Health and the British Columbia Medical Association operating as Doctors of BC formed under the Physician Master Agreement PMA. The PMA is between the Government of BC, Doctors of BC and the Medical Services Commission. The term of the PMA is from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019. Although the SCC has committed to supporting and funding the CYMHSUC program only until March 31, 2018, the Government of BC has committed funding to SCC until March 31, 2019, the end date of the PMA. Since the SCC is a partnership between the Ministry of Health and the Doctors of BC, the Ministry will work with the Doctors of BC to continue to support the CYMHSUC program beyond current dates. Since April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2017, through the SCC, approximately 18 million has been invested in the CYMHSUC program. For fiscal year 201718, an additional 3.2 million was committed towards the CYMHSUC program.

Convention Decision