Funding Assistance for Project Proposal Evaluation

Prince Rupert

WHEREAS North Coastal British Columbia is experiencing a large volume of industrial development project proposals; AND WHEREAS small communities do not have the financial capacity to sufficiently evaluate the positive and negative impacts to the area of such project proposals: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province provide funding assistance to communities to help evaluate large scale industrial project proposals.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community, Sport Cultural Development In the spring of 2014, the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development announced over 1 million in direct planning and assessment funding to six communities in the North West to help identify and assess the impacts from the rapid industrial development underway in that region. Additionally, significant staff resources from various ministries have been focused on the region to help ensure communities are well positioned to take advantage of this development and to help ensure they have access to the information and resources they need. This includes a dedicated staff member from the Ministry solely focused on supporting community planning in the North West.

Convention Decision