Funding for Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Alberni-Clayoquot RD

Whereas the cost of water conservation, sustainability, and drought management are currently high profile issues, and developing a policy framework and funding program to support rainwater harvesting systems is vital to supporting the agricultural industry and enhance vibrant local food systems across the province with safe, consistent and affordable access to water; And whereas the establishment of a fund for the rebate portion for agricultural rainwater harvesting systems will: - Reduce the draw on regional, municipal and ground water systems, - Lead to an increase in the amount of irrigated land, - Increase overall agricultural production, - Increase water availability for trending urban agricultural initiatives, - Promote conservation strategies, and - Showcase simple and effective solutions for increased water system sustainability: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of BC to establish immediately the development of policy and procedures for a rainwater harvesting system rebate program for agricultural users.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment Rainwater harvesting typically involves the collection and storage of rainwater from roof tops for use on-site. Agricultural uses may include irrigation associated with greenhouses, gardens and nurseries, livestock watering as well as for domestic use, and groundwater recharge. The Ministry of Agriculture advises that the highest potential for rainwater harvesting systems in agriculture is in greenhouse and dairy operations where rooftops of poly-houses and dairy barns can capture most precipitation, and can be economically viable for smaller water uses. Whether it is beneficial to specific regions will depend on the amount of local rainfall. Notably, some poultry barns in Abbotsford incorporate a rainwater harvesting system to collect drinking water for chickens, without funding from the Province. While rainwater harvesting may be able to supply sufficient water for livestock, barn washing, crop washing, and other smaller amounts of water use on farms, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, it is unlikely to provide enough supplemental water for widespread irrigation purposes. A significant collection surface area and associated storage would be required relative to the operation and is usually not economically viable where farmland is limited and land value is high. The Ministry of Agriculture is in the process of completing the Agriculture Water Demand Model AWDM for the ACRD, and anticipates having it operational by Summer 2017. The AWDM will calculate the current and future water requirements of agricultural lands in ACRD. The provincial government acknowledges there have been shortages of water supply all across Vancouver Island and rainwater harvesting and storage could alleviate the situation to some degree when properly implemented. The Water Sustainability Act allows rainwater harvestingcapture without an authorization or requirement to pay application fees or annual water rentals. The absence of such requirements may incent users to consider rainwater collection as a water source. The Ministry of Environment has a longstanding practice of supporting water conservation through the Water Conservation Strategy for B.C. 1998, the Living Water Smart Plan 2008 and the B.C. Drought Response Plan 2016. Policies, procedures and rebate programs specific to rainwater harvesting for agriculture use are not planned at this time.

Convention Decision
Endorsed as Amended