Full Disclosure of Financial Interests by Local Elected Officials


Whereas The Province of British Columbia states on the government website that The intent of the Financial Disclosure Act is to identify what areas of influence and possible financial benefit an elected official, nominee or designated employee might have by virtue of their office, and to ensure the public has reasonable access to the information.; And whereas while the current Financial Disclosure Act requires disclosure of direct employment conflicts, it does not require disclosure of potential conflicts for local elected officials where the conflicts may be obscured as a result of them being employed as lobbyists or government and public relation consultants on behalf of other private interests: Therefore be it resolved that the Financial Disclosure Act be amended to ensure that all potential conflicts and financial interests of local elected officials are disclosed per the stated intent of the Act.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Attorney General The Financial Disclosure Act requires a candidate for local office and a local government official to disclose their assets, liabilities, sources of income, real property and corporate assets, including assets held jointly with family members. The Act does not address conflicts of interest. However, local elected officials are also subject to conflict of interest provisions contained in Division 6 of Part 4 of the Community Charter. This Division sets out in detail the rules and procedures for conflicts of interest, which includes both direct and indirect pecuniary interests of the official.

Convention Decision