Flood Protection Management in BC

Fraser-Fort George RD

WHEREAS as a result of the 2007 spring freshet flood threat, the Premier announced a long-term Flood Protection Program of 100 million over ten years, which when matched by the federal government, was to provide 20 million annually to 100 fund flood protection works in BC; AND WHEREAS the Flood Protection Program was again applied in 2008, the second year of the program; but in 2009 the program has been shifted to the Building Canada Fund that requires a one third local financial contribution to projects: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM strongly request the BC government to continue its commitment to fund priority flood protection works in BC without requiring a local financial contribution that is typically well beyond the means of those threatened by the flood hazard.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General The federal and provincial governments have partnered to help fund projects that will provide flood protection to communities across British Columbia. Flood protection is a shared responsibility and the cost for a flood protection project is shared with the respective local government. 200809 was a transitional year for the Flood Protection Program where approved flood protection projects received a 50 provincial contribution and a 50 federal contribution. Starting in 200910, the contribution amounts for the Flood Protection Program include a local government contribution of either 10 or one third depending on area population size. Cost sharing with the federal and local governments maximizes the funds available to assist many communities across British Columbia with flood protection initiatives.

Convention Decision