Flood Mitigation Funding

LMLGA Executive

WHEREAS recent changes to flood protection design standards have been introduced by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operation regarding sea level rise and storm surge as well as seismic stability, which significantly increase the cost of flood mitigation works; AND WHEREAS the Provincial Flood Protection Program was already insufficient to fund the necessary flood mitigation works prior to the introduction of the new standards, as proven by the fact that approximately 390 million in senior government funding assistance had been applied for by communities since 2007, compared to total available funds of 150 million for the period 2007 through 2016; AND WHEREAS flood mitigation works can have benefit cost ratios of over 20:1 and are urgently needed to protect public safety and reduce potential impacts to the economy and environment; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the Province of BC and the Government of Canada to extend the timeline beyond 2016 and increase the amount of Flood Protection Program funds available to allow completion of necessary flood mitigation works in a timely manner; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that UBCM lobby the Province to allow phased flood mitigation upgrades with the first priority being the accomplishment of upgrades to address hydraulic performance, followed by upgrades to achieve seismic performance.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Justice The Province recognizes the value of flood mitigation and since 2008 has been partnering with the Federal Government to provide funding to local governments. In recognition of the complexities and environmental constraints associated with the building of flood mitigation works, the Flood Protection Program moved to a multi-year funding process. While the program end date has not been extended, the Province has been in consultation with the Federal Government to develop a dedicated Disaster Mitigation Program. The Province is actively participating with all other provinces and territories in the development of a new National Disaster Mitigation Program. Confirmation of the program has not yet been determined. Changes to seismic standards for diking infrastructure were introduced by the Inspector of Dikes Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in 2011. The new standards are incorporated into new dike designs and the Inspector of Dikes is working with all local governments to ensure that incorporation of seismic standards is implemented in the most cost efficient and effective manner.

Federal Response

Public Safety Canada Moving forward, our Government is developing a long-term National Disaster Mitigation Program through engagement with provinces and territories, recognizing that mitigation can lessen the impact of natural disasters and reduce the costs associated with these events. In addition, as you may be aware, up to 99.2 million over three years is being provided to assist provinces and territories with the cost of permanent flood mitigation measures undertaken for the 2011 flood season.

Convention Decision