Fire Underwriters Study

Kootenay Boundary RD

WHEREAS the Fire Underwriters have a great deal of influence over the operation and cost of fire services in British Columbia through their determination of operational guidelines required to achieve beneficial insurance ratings; AND WHEREAS getting timely advice from the Fire Underwriters is impossible to receive: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities lobby the provincial government to provide authority and resources to the Office of the Fire Commissioner so that they can through research, advice and recommendations, assist fire services with meeting the requirements and guidelines of the Fire Underwriters.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY SOLICITOR GENERAL The Fire Underwriters Survey is a national organization administered by SCM Adjusters Canada Ltd., an independent private company. Local government, primarily through their fire department personnel, are in the final stages of completing a review of fire service in British Columbia which is anticipated to be delivered to the Office of the Fire Commissioner by December 31, 2009. The Office of the Fire Commissioner understands this review contains a number of recommendations including one which refers to a broadening of the offices mandate. At this time, the Office of the Fire Commissioner in British Columbia continues to have no responsibility or influence on the content of the Fire Underwriters Survey.

Convention Decision