Fire Mitigation Strategy

Cariboo RD
Williams Lake

Whereas wildfires have plagued much of British Columbias Interior this summer, and will continue to threaten communities, particularly with predicted climate change; And whereas forest restrictions continue to hamper fire mitigation efforts, and public safety should be the number one priority: Therefore be it resolved that, under the Forest Range Practices Act, the Government Actions Regulation GAR include regulations that initiate a Fire Mitigation Strategy that prioritizes public safety over other forest management initiatives including harvesting and reforestation of the affected areas.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development During the fire season, the safety of the public and firefighters is always our top priority. Depending on prevailing weather conditions and fire danger ratings, forest industry personnel may be required to cease operations in a particular region to reduce wildfire risks. Industry personnel are required to adhere to prescribed shutdown formulas in accordance with the Wildfire Act and the Wildfire Regulation.

Convention Decision