Financial Support for Public Education

North Saanich

WHEREAS public education is vital to the future of British Columbia and must be supported, especially during difficult economic times to ensure a strong economy in the future; AND WHEREAS many school boards of education are at risk of not meeting public expectations for public education due to falling enrollment combined with the significant reduction in programs and services needed to balance their operating budgets: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities petition the provincial government to increase funding levels for primary and secondary education in the province.

Provincial Response

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Government continues to make education a priority and to protect core operating funding to school districts. Education funding has increased year over year. Since 200001, provincial government funding provided to boards of education to operate and manage BC schools has increased by 1.3 billion 873 million in operating grants and 407 million in one-time grants. Operating funding will amount to a record 4.551 billion in 200910 despite challenging global economic conditions and continued declining enrolment. This represents the highest amount of operating grants ever distributed in BC, and has occurred at a time when enrolment has declined by approximately 53,000 students. Average per-pupil funding is expected to increase to an estimated 8,323 in 200910 a 205 increase over the 200809 funding of 8,118. The per-pupil funding amount has increased by an estimated 2,107 since 200001. Like all sectors in BC, school districts will have to make tough decisions in order to manage through these challenging economic times. We need to find ways to make the additional dollars we are providing work for students in the classroom.

Convention Decision