Fighting Period Poverty and Endorsing the Period Promise Campaign

Cowichan Valley RD

Whereas almost one quarter of Canadian menstruators say they have struggled to afford menstrual products for themselves or their children period poverty, and that people who are menstruating but do not have menstrual products available to them experience social isolation, financial instability and increased mental health concerns by not being able to attend school, work, or community activities without experiencing stigma and shame; And whereas the United Ways Period Promise is a campaign that calls for increases to access to menstrual products in our community, and that local governments play a pivotal role in addressing period poverty within their communities, and may need support implementing practical solutions to provide free menstrual products to community members: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM endorse the Period Promise Campaign, and work with menstrual equity advocates and community partners to facilitate the development of, and help disseminate, a Period Promise Local Government Toolkit that will help provide local governments with the tools necessary to make menstrual products freely available in their washrooms and beyond.

Convention Decision