Farm Classification - Horse Boarding, Horse Stud Horse Semen Collection Services

Thompson-Nicola RD

WHEREAS under BC Regulation 411 95 Standards for the Classification of Land as a Farm of the Assessment Act, the boarding of horses, horse stud services and horse semen collection services are not recognized primary agricultural production categories for the purposes of farm classification unless operated in conjunction with horse rearing; AND WHEREAS the boarding of horses, horse stud services and horse semen collection services are an integral part of the horse industry in British Columbia, directly support other agricultural businesses and are important to the provincial economy: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government review the BC Regulation 41195 Standards for the Classification of Land as a Farm of the Assessment Act and consider including the boarding of horses, horse stud services and horse semen collection services as separate and distinct primary agricultural production categories in addition to and not in conjunction with horse rearing.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Community Rural Development The horse industry has requested the inclusion of horse boarding, horse stud and horse semen collection services as primary agricultural production PAP, in order to qualify the land supporting these activities for farm classification. Submissions to the recent Farm Assessment Review Panel the Panel asked that primary agricultural production PAP include value-added productsactivities and agricultural services and that a review be done to the list of PAPs that count toward the income threshold. Reviewing the PAP list was out of scope for the Panel. However, the Panel recommended a review of the PAP Schedule within three years a priority issue to be dealt with to ensure that policy is being applied as intended and that some value-added products and activities are included. The Ministries of Agriculture and Land and Community and Rural Development will be involved in this review.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision