Facilitating Value-added Resource Development


Whereas adding value to natural resources is of great economic benefit to the north, the province, and the nation, because it attracts investment, delivers tax revenue, creates employment, and captures previously foregone economic value; And whereas adding value to natural resources often reduces environmental risks associated with transporting products, minimizes waste by utilizing a great percentage of products, and ensures processing occurs under world class Canadian standards: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government to adopt policies and implement regulations that will facilitate and stimulate value-added resource development.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Rural Development The Province is committed to putting people first and creating a strong sustainable economyone that works for all British Columbians and the environment. That includes working with communities, First Nations and industry to develop a fair, lasting strategy to create more jobs by processing more logs in BC and renewing our forests by expanding investments in reforestation. The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natrual Resource Operations and Rural Development is also exploring how we can expand our innovative wood products sector by addressing regulatory and capital barriers hampering the growth of engineered wood production and working cross-ministry to ensure public projects prioritize the use of BC wood. The Province will be working with First Nations and communities to modernize land use planning and to sustainably manage BCs ecosystems, rivers, lakes, watersheds, forests and old growth. Community forest agreements and First Nations woodland licences are secure long-term tenures that have potential to provide a secure source of fibre to manufacturers and value-added businesses that are already established or are seeking the right conditions like fibre flow to invest in a BC community. Continued support of policies for these tenure types facilitate and stimulate value-added resource development. The Wood Secretariat has been collaboratively exploring options designed to promote the trading of logs in the interior to improve the flow of logs to speciality sawmills. The Wood Secretariat is made up of representatives of the Interior Lumber Manufacturers Association, Independent Wood Processers Association and BC Wood along with government members. A number of meetings have been held with ministry staff to refine and prioritize options. This specific work on log trading is ongoing, along with a number of other aspects important to the value-added sector. Wood Secretariat meetings are proceeding throughout the calendar year. In addition, the Ministry is looking to improve wildlife management and habitat conservation, and are collaborating with stakeholders to develop long- and short-term strategies for managing BCs wildlife resources.

Convention Decision