Extraordinary Resolution to Amend the UBCM Bylaws to Change the Fiscal Year

UBCM Executive

WHEREAS Section 21b of the Bylaws of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM presently sets the fiscal year-end as June 30, which in practice means that UBCM staff have a limited time frame to complete year-end and prepare for a full external audit including preparation of draft financial statements for the mid-July meeting of the UBCM Executive; AND WHEREAS a fiscal year-end set one month earlier would alleviate the compression of the accounting and auditing timeline without any financial impact on the membership, while enabling UBCM to continue to hold its Annual General Meeting AGM at the Annual Convention and still meet the statutory requirement for UBCM to hold an AGM within six months of the fiscal year-end: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Section 21b of the Bylaws of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities be amended to read: The fiscal year-end of the Union shall be May 31.

Convention Decision